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What Other Devices?

Started by Geowonders, May 10, 2019, 09:52:58 AM

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I've been sending Bank/Program changes from my Roland A-49 MIDI controller to my Ketron SD2 sound module via its MIDI IN port but that's too tedious for live concert. To make it instantaneous, I purchased an iPad, Set List Maker, and the MIDI upgrade. I've added Songs, put them into a Show, and am ready to enter the Bank/Program numbers, but that will accomplish nothing without connectivity. I expected a USB port on my iPad but no such thing, so what other devices do I need?


You can either get a MIDI interface with a Lightning connector to go directly into your iPad, or get a MIDI interface with a USB connector plus an iPad "camera connection kit" to go from Lightning to USB. Some recommendations are listed here:


The attached picture (Cable 1) came with my iPad. I found the picture on Wikipedia. They label it Apple Lightning to USB Cable (MD818). Is this the first option you mentioned? If so, I'm still lost because my sound module and my controller are 5-pin MIDI ports. The attached picture (Cable 2) is a USB to MIDI converter which I use to connect the Ketron sound module to my DAW. The cable's OUT plug connects to the IN port of the module. I'm envisioning a router of sorts which receives data from both the iPad and the Roland, and sends them along to the Ketron sound module.


Somehow, the first photo did not attach, so here it is.


The USB male to Lightning male cable isn't going to do anything for you here. You'd need a camera connection kit, which is basically a USB female to Lightning male adapter, to connect a MIDI interface with a USB jack to an iPad.

Is your question about how to connect three MIDI devices together? For that you have three options:

1) Connect a MIDI Thru port on one device to a MIDI In port on another device. But not all devices have MIDI Thru ports.

2) Replace your 1-port MIDI interface with a multi-port MIDI interface.

3) Add a MIDI splitter between your 1-port MIDI interface and your other devices.


Though some guys on Keyboard Forum have suggested a powered USB hub, scrolling down on the following web page shows a USB-To-MIDI Converter like the one I already have apparently doing what I wish to do, which is my already-powered controller and module exchanging data in the iPad.

My attachment illustrates the idea clearly. One of the guys said it should work, but that I might need to install an app like Midflow to merge the data. What say ye?


Yes, I guess if you're only sending out from the keyboard and only sending in to the SD2, then you don't need a splitter; you'd just need the camera connection kit to connect your USB MIDI interface to your iPad.


Thanks. And will I need another app to merge the notes and programs?


I don't think so. What do you think you might need that for?


A guy on Keyboard Forums who's helped me with some technical issues thought I might need that. I suppose it's because when the Roland's notes reach the iPod, they're like cattle entering a pasture - if you want them to head down the chute towards the Ketron, you need some cowboys to herd them that direction and rope the ones that might like the iPod grass. It seems that the Ketron has to receive the notes from the Roland. I can only guess that something has to make them to go there.


You mean the keyboard's messages need to go both to Set List Maker and to the Ketron? Then yes, that wouldn't happen automatically. You could either use another app, or you could turn on Settings > Audio & MIDI > MIDI Thru in Set List Maker.

Are you wanting to use the keyboard to play notes? I interpreted your first message to mean you were just using it to send program changes. You could try sending all the notes through MIDI Thru, but you might need your note messages to be sent more directly.

Now I'm thinking the keyboard doesn't have to send messages to Set List Maker at all. It would be best to spell out what kinds of MIDI messages you want to send, from what device to what device, to get the best answer.


Here is the situtation: I play a Yamaha P-125 in concert. My Roland A-49 sits on a 2nd tier, adding Ketron instruments to the mix via MIDI out to Ketron's MIDI in. The Roland can send patch changes to the Ketron, but it's tedious, so I hope to use an iPad loaded with Set List Maker for telling Ketron which patch. The USB-TO-MIDI Converter apparently is intended to achieve that, but maybe not without an app which receives Roland's note data, combines it with Set List Maker's Bank/Program data, and sends both to the Ketron. The guy on Keyboard Forums thinks it will work. I will quote his final remark: And if you use an app like Midiflow to merge the Roland's Note data with the Set List Maker's patch changes and send the merged data to the Ketron then you don't need a USB hub.


So you just want to send MIDI notes from the keyboard to the Ketron, and program changes from the iPad to the Ketron?


Yes. But, of course, I've been getting the notes to Ketron via a standard MIDI cable from the Roland. But now, the USB-to-MIDI converter will occupy that port on the Ketron, and the Roland's notes will go to the iPad, not the Ketron. I know that because if I use my Converter instead of my standard MIDI cable, the Ketron will not sound unless (1) the converter's USB end is connected to my computer and (2) my Cakewalk has a song open. This tells me that the iPod must receive the notes, then send them to the Ketron. I'm assuming Set List Maker is not intended to function in that respect.


I think you're describing a MIDI Thru function in Cakewalk, which Set List Maker has. I was just concerned about latency with the notes you're playing.

You could try it since you already have that equipment. But if you have trouble passing all the note messages into the iPad and back out reliably, you could add a MIDI merger like this:

So then the connections would be:

keyboard MIDI Out to merger In 1
iPad Lightning to USB interface
USB interface Out to merger In 2
merger Out to Ketron In