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Database update - I don't get it?

Started by omygind, July 28, 2024, 10:02:08 AM

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We have one bandleader hosting SLM and bandmembers following actions (live sharing feature) - all running iPads.
Leader adds and updates songs, and Members add their individual midi presets etc to the songs.

When Leader add a new song, how do Members add this song to each Members iPad without loosing the Midi presets configured for other songs??

And same for when Leader update an existing song that Members already add midi presets to?
What are the precedures for this in order not to loose indvidual work?

I think I understand how BandHelper works with shared cloud space for database and files etc and option for user/members specific settings ;-)
I just want to be shure, that I understand how SLM works in order to do the comparison, as I don't understand how bands can manage this requirement?
We are currently using OnSong, which also no longer has any option for sharing or syncing songs - but OnSong has the ability of making backup/export of single song(s), which make it possible to update other band members database with just the song I edited without overwriting other songs in their database! ;-)


A shared Set List Maker database will have everyone's MIDI data in it. You'll need to coordinate who is currently adding data and then everybody will need to import that version before someone else adds data. If multiple people edit the database at the same time, someone's edits will be overwritten.

As you hinted at, this isn't an issue in BandHelper because everyone's changes are merged into the shared database automatically.