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How to get Bandhelper to accept Roland Juno DS patches?

Started by Scooter74, August 17, 2024, 08:22:53 AM

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I'm really struggling to find any guide on YouTube or anywhere on how to set up Bandhelper as a midi controller for my Roland Juno DS. I've connected the the two in 'midi devices' and Bandhelper on my Ipad is receiving the hex codes from the Juno when I press a key. However, how to I get it to take a performance patch? I am quite new to MIDI so would appreciate a step-by-step guide or even better if Bandhelper could create a video on their channel, showing a simple guide to using Bandhelper as a midi controller for a keyboard.


Did you try the instructions on this page?

You'll need to figure out what data you need to send to your keyboard since that's different for every keyboard. But it is typically documented in the keyboard's user manual.


Thanks, I appreciate the reply but it's all too much for my small brain not having done this before. I have the Roland DS parameter guide in front of me. Are you saying that each of the 3 boxes Bank MSB, Bank LSB, Program need a number inputted into them? And I can find them in the Parameter Guide for the keyboard?


Most keyboards use a program change for this, and some also use one or both of the bank changes. That should be in the keyboard's user manual.