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Bandhelper setlists not updating correctly?

Started by Mahlon, August 24, 2024, 11:06:49 AM

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Hi Arlo,

We've had issues the past couple of weeks with setlists not updating correctly when we sync.  We are using a server that is not connected to the internet so I'm trying to get sets created for the upcoming weekend at least a day or two in advance, then inform my bandmates to sync their apps before we leave for our first gigs of the weekend when everyone is on their wi-fi at home.

Due to time constraints I've been copy/pasting some recent sets and shuffling a few things around or add new material instead of building an entire set from scratch.  The past couple of weekends though, everyone will have different setlists named for the same/date event we are playing, like when they are syncing their apps they are all getting an older version of the setlist and not the final or most recent version.  Even when they hotspot to their phones and sync with internet, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

Usually at least 2 of us have the correct set list and just bark out the next songs and that works as well as it ever has, but that's not what I want happening onstage cuz it just looks unprofessional.  It's just been the past 2 weekends where it has been a serious issue (drummer started the drumbeat to the next song and none of us had any idea what he was playing, so we had to scramble around to figure out what he had on his setlist cuz he was looking at us like we were crazy). Turned out the guitarist had a 3rd setlist that wasn't what anyone else had and we were all scratching our heads while our drummer just kept on playing until we started.

Our guitarist is usually the last guy to bother updating and sometimes might often forget, so I know where the problem lies with him. Our drummer actually has a cellular plan for his iPad so he just gets off the bands wi-fi router and updates and it's perfectly fine, so it was REALLY weird that his iPad was the one that was off from anyone else's.

Is there something I am specifically doing wrong when completing sets that would make them not update correctly?  As far as I can tell I make the sets and when they are finished, I "favorite" them and they turn up on everyone's iPad as soon as they update.

Thanks in advance.


To look into this, please take a device that seems to not have the current data on it. Then submit a help ticket describing an example of what data it has and what is should have. Then submit the troubleshooting info from that device to that ticket.


OK thanks.

I'm working on sets now.  We have 3 gigs this weekend.  I'll try and keep track of any issues we have and start a support ticket if anyone's iPad is having issues.  I'm not getting these sets done until the last minute though and I'm not going to "favorite" them until the night before, so that should maximize setlist chaos.


This issue DID come up again 2 weekends ago, but I did some research and learned how to do a local data reset, so I showed everyone else how to perform it on their own iPads if our setlists were in disagreement again.  That at least gives me a method to correct the issue at hand so we can just get on with the show.

A similar issue happened this past weekend though where our vocalist/keyboardist opened his iPad and the song titles were all missing!!!  Set names were intact (it was a weird wedding timeline, so I had come custom set names) but the songs title fields were all blank. They were all there a few hours prior, so something happened somewhere.  I performed a local data reset and that corrected it.

We were a few minutes before starting so I didn't have a chance to submit a support ticket from his iPad.  We were way out in the sticks though, so I was lucky to have enough service to get the local data reset to complete without issues using my phone as a hotspot.