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Delete unwanted Recordings from tablets

Started by JerryK, September 02, 2024, 08:15:50 AM

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Many of my songs have (or had) 8+ Recordings, for various purposes, including backing for guitar and keyboard duos, trio, backing for solo or 2 vocalists.  I have removed some of these formats at the web end but I think they are still on the tablets.  Sync does nothing.
If so, how do I safely remove them?
Reset Local Data seems likely but I'm concerned about possibly resetting level, trim and key shift data etc. associated with the remaining ones.
What's the verdict?

Should I worry that a Sync no longer adds 'missing files' or is that now intended to be a separate action?


Deleting a recording from the website will delete the file from all the synced devices. If you want to be sure, you can click Settings > Account Sync > Remove Downloaded Files and then click Settings > Account Sync > Download Missing Files (but that will re-download everything remaining, which could take a while).


Thank you.  I figured I could remove and download missing files but was concerned whether those recordings' settings would remain.
Before raising this query, I had seen some remaining Recordings but those have now gone, so it's now just a 'what if'.  Maybe it takes a while to catch up.


A recording's settings will remain regardless of whether the file is downloaded. But if you delete a recording, that will delete the file as well as the recording. Also, if you remove a recording from a song and it is not attached to any other songs, it will be deleted automatically.