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How to increase an image attachment on screen?

Started by yamahap200, December 30, 2024, 09:07:16 AM

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Years ago, I was able to attach photos of charts to my associated songs, and I used to double click the image on my ipad which then expanded the image\photo to take up the entire screen, but since then with updates over time, it seems that I am no longer able to do this by increasing the image to take up the entire screen, it just stays small in image size, unless I'm doing something wrong -

Can someone add some insight for me?

I would like to use the entire scree to see the attach photo, not just a small version of it


You can switch to the Full-Screen Lyrics layout, or any layout with its Layering setting set to Document Viewer On Top.

This video shows how to switch to the Full-Screen Lyrics layout:

And this page shows the standard layout options with different balances between the document viewer and other info. If these are not already installed, you can add a new layout and select one of these as the template: