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Rig after SLM

Started by Joe_K, September 05, 2014, 09:31:33 AM

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This is my large rig.  SLM is running on an iPod Touch that is mounted low on the mic stand, but of course, that iPod is in my hand taking these photos so you'll have to imagine that piece of it.  :)

The board to the left of the mic stand (Fractal MFC) is what I normally use to control my songs and presets, but now SLM commands that to the next song bank.  The smaller MIDI controller to the right of the mic stand sends commands to SLM (or thru to the rest of the rig) and I use that to INC/DEC songs, INC/DEC presets and flash the tempo (I also use it to do some tap tempos in various other devices).  And then there is the large board that sits behind the amps.  It's 2 chains of fx driving 2 amps, along with the ability to A/B/Y the amps, send channel switch commands to the amp heads, bring fx in and out of the loops (bypass) and select fx patches in the larger pedals all via MIDI, all via the MFC, and by extension, all via SLM!

It all boils down in a performance to stepping on one button that switches to the next song in the set in SLM and it touches off a chain of events that gets the entire rig ready to go in an instant.



Thanks.  Things went very smooth tonight.  The drummer could see my ipod from his seat and was able to take tempo queues from it (and it was invaluable for me as I'm horrible at setting the right tempo on the songs I start).  No issues other than I had to recycle my MIDI pedal feeding into the iPod just before the set began.  Stepping a pedal for the next song, tempo and next MIDI preset made for the easiest time I've had on stage with such a complex rig.  Evaluation a success, now we'll see if others in the band want to jump on board and we'll sync up.


Running on the iPod Touch is so unobtrusive too.  I can barely find it in that photo above, but I know where to look.  Follow that red mic cable down and you can see just the edge of the iPod lit when you get down around the level of the lowest guitar speaker.  That used to be something I needed higher on the stand so I could swipe it.  Loving this rig and software, really brilliant.  I don't like to give the audience the impression that I'm using a lot of machinery, I prefer these things remain out of their view and this is fitting the bill nicely.


I've gone ahead and made a video of my updated rig.  It includes Set List Maker throughout and there is a section featuring it.


Looks great. Not sure if this is helpful, but you could configure the tempo playback in Set List Maker to turn off after a particular number of seconds, or beats. That could save a step if you just want to preview the tempo and then let it turn itself off. Those settings are in Settings > Tempo & Pitch.


Thanks.  I do that too ;)

Originally I had it so that Tempo would start automatically and play for 8 bars, but realized I still needed direct control.  It still plays for only 8 bars, so if I don't manually turn it off it will stop.


Third gig relying on SLM for my setlist and MIDI preset changing.  So far so good!


If anyone is interested in hearing some of the crazier sounds I get from my rig: