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Idea: Voting

Started by Bibo69, December 13, 2014, 02:12:47 AM

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Hi guys,

I was wondering how to,"pep up" our live gigs with some visual stuff because as an acoustic duo with harp and stompbox we sit on stage and do not provide a lot of eye candy (except that we are very handsome guys ;-))

I thought about showing videos or some artwork that suits the songs but then I got a more interactive idea - what if the audience could vote with their smartphones while we are playing the songs? This way, we could get some interesting feedback on which songs are liked more and which songs are suitable for which audience (club, bar, birthday party, ...). And if we store the votes in the set list maker database, we could even take repertoire decisions based on it.

Anybody likes this idea? Or is it nonsense and applause is all a musician needs as a feedback? I think times are changing, so why not try something new in music shows also?



I've had a couple requests like that, so it's on my wish list. I'll add another "vote" for you.

The new wifi-based device linking that's coming in version 4.1 would make something like this easier to set up. That function requires that all the linked devices be on the same wifi network, so in most cases you will have to bring your own wifi hotspot to the gig (it doesn't need an Internet connection). So for this function, you could ask the audience members to connect to your network and then they could vote through a web interface served from one of your devices, which knows what song you are currently playing. This would be easier for audience members than installing an app and connecting through Bluetooth.


Hey Arlo,

exactly what I had in mind! Awesome! You even answered the questions I asked myself how I could connect the audience. Thanks for this great outlook, I hope it will make it to the implementation phase  :)


I like the idea of letting the audience vote for the songs. We often fill our encore block this way. I think Apple had something like this in former versions of iTunes where audience members could use the remote app on their own devices to vote for songs in a iTunes DJ playlist. On the downside: I would not like to have a lot of foreign devices into my stage network, because we use our devices also for wireless Audio and Video transfer.