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Problems with triggering a Roland sampler SP-404 SX

Started by Tinto Verano, March 08, 2015, 06:39:41 AM

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Tinto Verano

I'm using midi presets in Setlistmaker to trigger sounds from my sampler SP 404 SX.
Works fine, but it sometimes happens that the sampler starts a playback of a sample without me doing anything. This is a new kind of ghost notes.
The samples (mostly click tracks) can be used as one shots or as loops.
All my click tracks are one shots, of course.

A midi presets look like this:
90 0x3E 7A

The first part is for the bank and the pattern number, the last two digits for the volume.

How come that the same sample start minutes later without me doing anything?


If you can network to a computer, you can use a MIDI monitoring app to see if the MIDI messages are actually being sent twice.

If they are, please send a message from Help > Request Tech Support and provide the specific steps you used to send the message the first time.

Also, when entering raw MIDI, you should leave out the 0x and just include the two hex digits.

Tinto Verano

I tried to leave out the Ox ... and now it seems to work.

Great! If that's the whole problem ... Thanks, Arlo!

I took the Ox from the midi implementation chart of my sampler.
But maybe I'm not familiar enough with these charts.


The 0x is a label that clarifies that a number is in hexadecimal format. The raw MIDI field in my app only accepts hex numbers, so the label isn't needed.

BTW you can also tell if a number is in hex format if it has any of the letters A-F in it. :-)