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A wish for a wider view for song edit on PC

Started by JerryK, December 24, 2023, 01:31:20 PM

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Perhaps some other UI tweaks too but these currently top my wish list, having used BH for 9 years and near 1,000 songs:

Dear Santa,
I'd really love more of my screen real-estate used.  I spend a lot of edit time scrolling up and down, whereas I have unused space on both sides.
The Left Nav bar and 4 columns would be really nice, with the 1st column split in two, just before the Tags.  Five columns might be good but it's less clear, at least to me, where another division might work best.  Perhaps the user could choose 4 or 5 (6?) or probably screen geometry would.  Or dynamic.

In any case, it could then have 2 sets of Lyrics, 2 columns (as now) each, Shared plus one other of choice, side by side but somehow showing which are populated.  Notes might then go above the right-hand Lyrics - or instead of, if none are allowed and if that makes sense.

I've long wished for the Left Nav bar to stay still, unless I scroll while hovering over it, so the most commonly used parts are always available.  As it stands, I'm always scrolling way up to Save, after editing anything in the lyrics, more so to personal lyrics and a looong way for Notes or to see the setlists used.  It might sometimes be handy to see usage in other projects too.

Less important but also saving vertical real-estate: I may be unusual but have up to 30 Tags in my Projects, always with short names.  For me, they would easily and happily fit in 2 columns inside the current Tags box, halving its height.  Just an idea.

thanks for listening
