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Kemper In and Out

Started by music, November 09, 2017, 11:26:25 PM

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I use the Setlist Maker with my Kemper via the wireless Midi Interface mi.1 by Quiccosound.
It works fine if I want to switch performances by clicking a song in Setlist Maker.
But if I change a performance directly in the Kemper, Setlist Maker does not realize this.
It seems that the Kemper sends the program change via midi, but in Setlist Maker there is no reaction.
What do I have to do?


What do you want Set List Maker to do?


To receive midi commands which are sent by the Kemper.


What MIDI commands, for what purpose? (I can't help without a specific description of what you want to do.)


If I switch channels (performances, songs) in the Kemper, f.e. with the Kemper Remote, I also want that Setlist Maker (on iPad) receive this information (changing of channels/songs). So I always have the actual song active in Setlist Maker.
Sorry for my bad english.


So you want the amp to change programs if you select a song in Set List Maker, and you want Set List Maker to change songs if you select a program on the Kemper?


Yes. Exactly.
Both devices should recognize a change in the other device.


Is Set List Maker receiving program changes from the Kemper -- do you see them in the Activity Log if you click the MIDI icon in the top toolbar?


Please see the attached picture of the midi status.
Is that what you want to know?


That shows the program change that you're sending from Set List Maker. I want to verify that your Kemper sends a program change in to Set List Maker. When you change programs on the Kemper, do you see the incoming MIDI messages here?



You have Set List Maker, a Kemper amp, and a Kemper foot switch, is that correct? How are they all connected together?


The Kemper footswitch (Remote) is connected via a regular network cable with the Kemper amp.
In the Kemper Midi In and Out there is a Quicco Sound MI.1 Midi-Bluetooth adapter.
This MI.1 is connected via Bluetooth with the iPad and Setlist Maker app.


It sounds like the Kemper amp doesn't take program changes it receives from the foot switch and send them back out again; that seems normal. But you could contact Kemper and see if it's possible to do that.


Well, no.
The Kemper amp realize program changes by the footswitch (which is the Kemper Remote) and it changes the performances/songs.
But Setlist Maker doesn't realize these changes. And it doesn't matter if I switch by footswitch or if I
change performances/songs directly in the Kemper.
The other way around works. If I change songs by pressing a song in Setlist Maker, the Kemper and also the footswitch realize this and change to the new song/performance.