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Consolidated events overview of different projects

Started by Chris, March 29, 2019, 04:56:51 AM

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Hi arlo,

planning to move to a pro-account but there is one question that strikes me:

the widgets are currently designed to only show the data of one single project.
Is there a way to have data of multiple projects consolidated in an overview? Maybe meaning that a php-query would be needed instead of directly using the widget?

Background is that I am singing in various bands and would like my website to show all events I participate in regardless of the band they are connected to (each band is a separate project in my account).

Regards, Chris


This is not currently possible. You would have to display the events in separate sections on your website, one for each project.

I have a wish list item to return a JSON string, in which case you could add your own code to combine the data from each project and display it. Would that be helpful to you (i.e., would you know how to work with that)?


My preferred way would be the ability to have a DB-query via php but if JSON is the intended option, I would try to dig myself into that instead.
So +1 from me on this entry of the wishlist


Got it. That would be more secure and more modular than allowing people to run queries directly on the database.


Appreciated. Looking forward to your implementation   :D


Hi arlo,

was wondering if you already have a "beta"-version of the JSON-string set up?





As a User of Google Cal, I can see many calendars at once.  It may be that you can set up a shared calendar for each project and display them concurrently, as one calendar view on your web page.


Hi Jerry,

thanks for the idea.
Already thought about that option and I have set up an iCal-feed in my calendar already to have all my projects show on there.
But for my webpage, I do not consider it working as it would show all gigs (even the non-confirmed or non-public ones which I want hidden).
Or am I missing a filtering option I could use to prevent those from showing?



No, the iCal feed is meant for internal use and shows all events.


I played around a bit with the widget you already provide, arlo, and I must say that it already suits my needs from a details- and formatting-perspective.
Might it be easier for you to allow a widget selecting events based on a Bandhelper-user (i.e. login) before creating a new JSON-feed on the long run?

I could imagine the connected database-request to check for the username instead of the project-number (which I assume is the current way it works).
If this would be an option indeed and you need somebody for testing, I will gladly volunteer :)


Okay, I'll put that on my wish list as an alternative.


Hi arlo,

quick question: the widget on my webpage still shows a gig that took place yesterday regardless if I add the 16th as the end-date or not. Should I raise a ticket or did I set the event wrongly?

Regards, Chris


Unless it's a multi-day event, you can leave the end date empty. Does that make a difference?