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Feature requests: In-App-Notifications, "Tentative"-option and remarks

Started by Chris, April 09, 2019, 06:34:59 AM

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Hi arlo,
I have now been digging my way into the schedule-functions and found two things that might be an enhancement to the workflow:

Currently, the app button in iOs shows that there are pending notifications which is great. But when I open the app, the project overview does not show any hint of what project the notification is for. Two options would be possible to improve this:

1. The project overview shows the project in bold where a notification is pending
2. When clicking the notifications button in the project overview, all notifications are shown at once and by clicking any, you are automatically redirected to the according project they belong to

"Tentative"-Option and Remark-field
When checking an event, a bandmember might not be sure yet whether he is able to attend or not so while working in Google Calendar, he/she checks "tentative". Currently, this option is not available in Bandhelper so the reply would have to remain on pending and the bandmember therefore would be continuously sent reminders, correct?
A "tentative"-option then would allow the bandmember to show a reaction while still checking for a solution in the background.

In addition to this option, it would also be great to have the ability of adding a short note to the according reply (i.e. if they checked "decline", they could write "checking for a sub" or similar so the booker knows that this issue is already covered)



Currently, the app button in iOs shows that there are pending notifications which is great. But when I open the app, the project overview does not show any hint of what project the notification is for.

Good idea; I'll add that to my wish list.

When checking an event, a bandmember might not be sure yet whether he is able to attend or not so in Google Calendar, he/she checks "tentative". Currently, they would not be able to choose an option and would be continuously sent reminders, correct?

I'm not sure what you mean here. The Google Calendar integration is read-only, so any changes made in Google Calendar would not flow back to BandHelper (and there is no "tentative" option for a user's reply in BandHelper). If someone doesn't yet know whether they can accept an event, they should just leave it at No Response until they know.

In addition to this option, it would also be great to have the ability of adding a short note to the according reply (i.e. if they checked "decline", they could write "checking for a sub" or similar so the booker knows that this issue is already covered)

It sounds like in this idea, the person invited would then invite their own sub. I think it's better if the person organizing the event selects a sub if needed.


Hi arlo,

I was a bit too late with adjusting my post to make it more clear. I referred to Google Calendar as we currently use this way of requesting feedback on availability.

The idea of the tentative-option simply is to visualize that a bandmate has already "realized" a gig-request but cannot yet confirm or revoke availability. While he/she would need to remain in "without reply" with the current options in Bandhelper receiving reminders over and over, choosing tentative would at least prevent the reminders.

The idea of a comment does not have any additional functionality but is simply a short note shown for the bandmate so he/she can leave a quick info whether something specific caused their availability-decision. It is not connected with the ability to invite or change the users of the event.
To make it more clear, the user list could look as follows (having both ideas implemented):

Mate 1
Mate 2 (I will be late for soundcheck)
Mate 4

Mate 3 (Checking for sub, otherwise I will be there)
Mate 5 (Need to request a day off at work first)

Mate 6 (off on vacation)

Hope this makes it more clear.



Okay, a field for a brief comment sounds good; I'll add that to my list.

But adding a new status that means "viewed" and stops the reminders seems like it would defeat the purpose of the reminders. You might just need to be more generous with the reminder interval. I like 18 hours, because you don't have to wait a whole 24 hours if someone forgets, but it doesn't make people feel like they're being harassed multiple times a day.


Appreciated concerning the new status.
The comment would definitely solemnly serve the same or an even better purpose :)


Hi arlo, hope you are well.
Just wanted to get back on this topic to see whether the comment which can be added to a schedule reply is maybe higher up on the wishlist yet.
Just had another occasion where it would have been great to be able and add a short comment on my ,,maybe"-reply to a gig due to necessary double-checking concerning a babysitter.

Best regards, Chris




Ah, but since version 2023-02-24, notification icons are shown next to each project on the Accounts list that has unread notifications.


Hi arlo,
thanks for getting back on this. I already happily realized this feature a while back. Looking forward to maybe somewhen in the future also see the other ideas implemented.



In the new app and website version 2024-08-23 released today, a "reason for your response" field will appear if someone selects Maybe or Declined for an event. This is an optional field and if they fill it in, you will see the reasons listed next to the user names as you suggested above.


Hi arlo,
finally finding the time to catching up with all the updates and your feedback to my posts.
The latest changes in BandHelper added a lot of improvement to the workflow of the bands I am in.

Still, there is one thing I thought would be possible but did not find a hint on it anymore:

When I am currently selecting "Maybe" for an event, it is not showing in my iOS calendar I am syncing my band events to.
This is only the case once I confirm.

Problem about this is that I might forget a pending request when a new one comes in on the same date for a different band as it is not showing in my calendar.

Is there a setting that the calendar feed also shows events I still have selected "Maybe" for?


This would be possible, but I don't know if it's a good idea. Responding "maybe" to an event leaves an ambiguity to the rest of your band, so BandHelper will keep reminding you to give a definite response. But if you keep ignoring the requests, eventually it will stop reminding you and the status will stay at "maybe" forever. If the event appears on your calendar at that point, you might forget that you never accepted it. But your band leader might assume you're not interested and get a sub for you. Then two keyboard players show up for the same gig. ;-)

When it sends the final reminder, BandHelper could remove you from the event completely so you no longer see it, but I don't know if that's a good idea, either. Or BandHelper could somehow flag the event in the calendar feed as it does in its own interface, but I don't know if that would appear in the other calendar app.

The best scenario is that you would reply to your events promptly and don't leave them in the "maybe" status for long.


Hi arlo,

thanks for the immediate Feedback. Background of my request is the following and maybe you have a better idea:

My wife and I play in the same band and therefore both get requested. Sometimes we cannot participate both as one of us needs to stay with our daughter. So we choose "Maybe" for the bandleader to know that he needs to choose. This might take several weeks or months though until the gig is confirmed and the final vocal setup is defined (there are three other vocals in the portfolio as well that might be chosen).

Therefore we hoped to see this possible gig in our calendars while the final lineup has not been chosen yet.

The idea of a prefix in the event name might be an idea as you stated... maybe something like "[MAYBE]"? This would also put more pressure on replying as it looks non-comforting ;)

I totally agree with you that keeping the bandmates waiting is not the way to go but we often have the above scenario (in fact for 6 gigs upcoming next year) so it is not a one-off-situation.



Just thought about a different approach: would it be possible to simply activate the remarks-field which is currently only available for "Maybe" and "No" also when confirming participation of an event with "Yes"?

Could also be helpful if i.e. I am able to play the gig but already might know that I will be late for the soundcheck.