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Grid chords like "IReal Pro"

Started by 7rancois, January 26, 2025, 01:37:51 AM

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For a few years now, BH is an application that helps me daily in instrumental practice and of course to organize set lists for rehearsals and concerts. I find this application really practical and quite intuitive.

For lyrics with chords, it's perfect. For documents attached as mp3 or pdf with chord progression, it's great too. And I think I don't use 100% of the possibilities of BH. My band members are also delighted (especially because I'm the one who runs everything!!!! ;D )

But for the application to be perfect (ti my point of view), you would need to have another type of document attached to a song: a dynamic chord grid.

Ideally, it would be possible to create chord grids as in the "Ireal pro" app, with the possibility of easily transposing. I know that there is an "Accord" field in BH but it does not allow the notation of references, segno, coda, reprise,... and it is dependent on words. This would avoid having to create grids in another app, transform the grids into pdf and import them into BH. And every time you change the tone or make a correction, you have to go back in the app, correct, export as pdf and import into BH, etc...
I imagine that coding such a project must represent a lot of time and work, but I am sure that I am not the only one who hopes for this possibility. And maybe in the BH community, a volunteer could help you!!!!
Is this feasible?

In french :
Depuis quelques années maintenant, BH est une application qui m'aide au quotidien dans la pratique instrumentale et bien sûr à organiser des set liste pour les répétitions et les concerts. Je trouve cette application vraiment très pratique et assez intuitive.
Pour les paroles avec accords intégrés, c'est parfait. Pour les documents joints comme mp3 ou pdf avec la progression d'accord, c'est top aussi. Et je pense que je n'utilise pas 100% des possibilités de BH. Les membres de mon groupe sont également ravis (surtout parce que c'est moi qui gère tout !!!!)
Mais pour que l'application soit parfaite (à mes yeux), il faudrait que l'on puisse avoir un autre type de document attaché à une chanson : une grille d'accord dynamique. L'idéal serait de pouvoir créer des grilles d'accords comme dans l'appli "Ireal pro", avec la possibilité de transposer facilement. Je sais qu'il existe un champ "Accord" dans BH mais il n'autorise pas la notation des renvois, segno, coda, reprise, ... et il est dépendant des paroles. Cela éviterait d'avoir à créer des grilles dans une autre appli, transformer les grilles en pdf et les importer dans BH. Et à chaque changement de tonalité ou correction, d'avoir à retourner dans l'appli, corriger, exporter en pdf et importer dans BH, etc ...
J'imagine que le codage d'un tel projet doit représenter beaucoup de temps et de travail, mais je suis sûr que je ne suis pas le seul à espérer cette possibilité. Et peut être que dans la communauté BH, un bénévole pourrait vous aider !!!!
Est-ce réalisable ?



Thank you Arlo. Again, your response was very quick. What I'm writing below is not a review of your app. It's already great. I'm just trying to see if there's any room for improvement.
I know the "Accord" field but I don't use it for several reasons:
- The size of the "words" and "chords" fields are not editable. No action when selecting the separator bar.
- Singers do not necessarily need to see the "Accord" song. Moreover, if the progression of chords is long, there is little room to see the lyrics.
- Editing chord grids is not easy. In particular, the special agreement toolbar "   [   ]   I # b   °  " does not appear in either the Accord or the Parole field. And the symbols for "coda, segno, DC, al fine,  .... etc" should be included.
- No scrolling possible. We sometimes have medleys or mash ups whose chords are quite long.
Many thanks!!


1. The Chords field will resize automatically based on the size that you set the Chords text to, and then the Lyrics field will take the rest of the space.

2. Singers can hide the Chords field by clicking the divider between the lyrics and chords.

3. I'm not sure what you mean here. That toolbar with special characters appears on the Lyrics and Chords fields, but only in the app, not the website. Regarding other symbols like repeat and coda, you could try adding those, but they might not appear if they are not included in your device fonts. Otherwise, you could just enter the chords for each section of a song and label them as Intro, Verse, Chorus, etc. You could also add notes like "repeat last two lines." If you want to write out the whole structure of a song, like Verse, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, etc., I like to do that in the Notes field.

4. Medleys are tricky, but one approach is to enter them as separate songs and use the song link function when adding those songs to a set list. Another approach is to put the chords into the Lyrics field where they can scroll, but you'd need to use the Personal Lyrics field if some people in the band need the lyrics.


Thank you again. I will put a few comments under yours.

1. The Chords field will resize automatically based on the size that you set the Chords text to, and then the Lyrics field will take the rest of the space.
Yes, I had noted that.

2. Singers can hide the Chords field by clicking the divider between the lyrics and chords.

3. I'm not sure what you mean here. That toolbar with special characters appears on the Lyrics and Chords fields, but only in the app, not the website. Regarding other symbols like repeat and coda, you could try adding those, but they might not appear if they are not included in your device fonts. Otherwise, you could just enter the chords for each section of a song and label them as Intro, Verse, Chorus, etc. You could also add notes like "repeat last two lines." If you want to write out the whole structure of a song, like Verse, Verse, Chorus, Bridge, Chorus, etc., I like to do that in the Notes field.
I had not tried on the app because I work only on the website. Indeed, on the app the symbols appear but only when I use an ipad. However, they do not appear when using a smartphone (samsung A21 and Crosscall Trekker). They also do not appear in the app via mac book. Using these symbols helps to reduce the size of the chord grids. It's very convenient. Do you know a special music?

4. Medleys are tricky, but one approach is to enter them as separate songs and use the song link function when adding those songs to a set list. Another approach is to put the chords into the Lyrics field where they can scroll, but you'd need to use the Personal Lyrics field if some people in the band need the lyrics.

I tried to link the songs for the medley. but often in medley, songs are shortened (one verse and two refrains for example). So you have to create a special song for the medley, like "YMCA - village people" and "YMCA - village people special medley". This is duplicates. The second solution, which is to put chords in words, is the one I use but it is not suitable for everyone. Although the chords have a different color from the text, it is not easy to find.

Perhaps the solution would be to have a field "chords" dissociated from the "lyrics".

Thank you again, Arlo. I know that my wishes are hard to achieve and that it is a huge amount of work. I will continue to write my chord grids either with ireal pro or by hand. :-[