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Version 4.0 FAQ

Started by arlo, July 03, 2014, 12:46:22 AM

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These are the most common questions I've received after releasing version 4.0:

Q: I didn't know my app was going to be updated. What happened?
A: You either installed the new version 4 without reading the notices I attached to it, or you have your device set to automatically install new app versions. See this page for instructions on how to control your app updates:,475.0.html

Q: Why did you change the app?
A: The new version complies with Apple's current design requirements, provides a cleaner framework for porting to Android, and adds several new features requested by users. To understand the benefits of this update, you can read the complete list of changes here:
Take a guided tour of new features here:
See a demo of the custom song layouts here:
And take a more detailed look at the show view, formerly the Perform window:

Q: How do I get the old version back?
A: Rolling back app versions can be risky. I recommend spending a few hours with the new version first if possible. If you insist on rolling back, some tips are here:,475.msg919.html#msg919
I cannot re-release the old version of the app because it does not comply with Apple's current design requirements.

Q: How do I get my old layout back?
A: Previous versions of the app offered several customization options, and version 4 offers several more. After you select a show, you can tap the Layouts button (this is the first button in the utility toolbar at the top right of your screen) and try the different layouts to find the one you like. If you can't find exactly what you're looking for, send me a description of what you want and I'll help you find it.

Q: Why is the column resizing so difficult? It takes too long to do this on stage.
A: You can resize the app columns while editing your data or setting up your layouts, but you generally should not need to do this while performing. Instead, you can select your preferred layout in the show view, and the column sizing will be loaded as part of the layout:

Q: Why can't I view my documents full screen?
A: You can; this page explains two different full screen options:,553.0.html

Q: Why do my swipes to change songs work inconsistently?
A: In the show view, you can swipe horizontally across the song info (the right column) but you have to move at least a half-inch (about 15 mm) in .1 seconds. That's not super fast, but faster than previous versions to avoid accidental song changes.

Q: How do I make the text in the song list smaller?
A: In the show view, you can tap the Layout button (the first button in the new utility toolbar at the top right of your screen), then tap Edit, then change the Title Size and Details Size values in the left column, then tap the Layout button again and tap Save.

Q: Where is the Save button when I edit a song?
A: Your data is now auto-saved whenever you leave an edit page. You can learn more tips like this by reviewing the release notes or guided tour videos linked above.

Q: If I send you a message full of swear words, insults and unreasonable demands, will that help me get what I want?
A: No, but it might get your message deleted. A clear and courteous description of what you are looking for would be much more productive.

Q: If I write a bad review on the App Store, will that help me get what I want?
A: No, but it might limit the future development of the app. Since version upgrades are free, I need new users to fund future development, and bad reviews reduce the number of new users.


What happened to the numbers to scroll while in the perform screen?
And the add a new song option while in the perform screen.
I found these really handy instead of scrolling down too far.

If they're still there please let me know where they are so I can add them back.


What happened to the numbers to scroll while in the perform screen?

I left these out because they are hard to maintain and seemed not to be widely used:,7.0.html

Instead, you can just tap the top or bottom third of a document or lyrics to jump to the previous or next page. Does that help? If not, I'll add a vote for you to bring the numbered buttons back in an upcoming version.

And the add a new song option while in the perform screen.

You can now tap the Edit button and then Add Songs to add a song to your show while performing. This doesn't work exactly as before, but it also allows you to rearrange the songs from here if you need to.


Thanks for your reply.
There are some good features with the new app but overall. I'm sad to say I really prefer the old one.
This one's a little too fiddly when performing.
Please add a vote in for me then, as that was partly what I found so great with the app. It saved me over scrolling.

Also what happened to the re-size set list option? I can't see it on my iphone, I'm hoping it's still on the iPad version.



Please add a vote in for me then, as that was partly what I found so great with the app. It saved me over scrolling.

Is "over scrolling" an issue if you use the top and bottom hotspots to jump through your lyrics a page at a time? Those hotspots are bigger and easier to hit quickly than the numbered page buttons were.

Also what happened to the re-size set list option? I can't see it on my iphone, I'm hoping it's still on the iPad version.

You can resize the song list text, as described above, on an iPad or iPhone. On an iPhone, you would need to tap the layout button while viewing the list of songs in your show to edit the appearance of the song list, or while viewing an individual song in the show to edit the song layout. On an iPad, both views are visible at the same time.


Quote from: arlo on July 03, 2014, 05:31:33 AM

You can resize the song list text, as described above, on an iPad or iPhone. On an iPhone, you would need to tap the layout button while viewing the list of songs in your show to edit the appearance of the song list, or while viewing an individual song in the show to edit the song layout. On an iPad, both views are visible at the same time.

Sorry to be clearer, I meant resizing the set-list when printing a PDF, because in one of my sets for instance one song is half on page 1 and page 2 and I want it all (the whole set list) on page 1.
You used to have a + and - button for that on the share page. So basically where can adjust the font size before printing to have a smaller font to have a 1 page set list.
Hope this makes more sense?



Sorry to be clearer, I meant resizing the set-list when printing a PDF, because in one of my sets for instance one song is half on page 1 and page 2 and I want it all (the whole set list) on page 1.
You used to have a + and - button for that on the share page.

The Share page still has a text size adjustment option. It's the first option in the settings. On an iPad, that's in the left column and on an iPhone, it's below the set list preview, so you might have to scroll down to see it.


Count my vote for restoring the "add song" button to the perform window. We try to stick to the list, but it never fails, either the singer decides he wants to sing a different song or we get a request.  I need to be able to jump to a different song and the way the old version worked with "add song" and being able to choose the song I needed and it inserted it into the list where I was at was great! Thanks for such a great program!


one other suggestion, when in a show in the "perform" mode, is there an easy way to edit a song without having to exit the show and go back to songs? Edit in the lower left of the perform screen lets me edit the parameters of the show and rearrange the list. It would be nice to be able to edit a song to enter notes for instance.


Quote from: dcraftfrombr on July 07, 2014, 10:37:50 PM
one other suggestion, when in a show in the "perform" mode, is there an easy way to edit a song without having to exit the show and go back to songs? Edit in the lower left of the perform screen lets me edit the parameters of the show and rearrange the list. It would be nice to be able to edit a song to enter notes for instance.

Look for the Edit button in the top toolbar next to the song title, and tap that. The select the song again in the song list when you're done. (This assumes you're viewing a split-view layout.)


Quote from: dcraftfrombr on July 07, 2014, 08:34:55 PM
Count my vote for restoring the "add song" button to the perform window.
We often get requests for encores which need to be added to the setlist as fast as possible. So the add song button in the old performance view was appreciated.


I'll add to the mix - my thoughts have been regarding crashes.  Certainly since 4.0 hit, and now two versions past that, the (my) crashes went up a lot!  I've cleaned up a lot of my own stuff on documents and attachments which I believe helped as had the version updates 4.0.1 & now 4.0.2.  And I have a 5th generation unit (iPod Touch) and plenty of space.  It's a moving target!

If I am correct, the new version expects things to all be in the right place - more so than the old one.  Maybe that is a piece of the crashes.  And I had a LOT of stuff that needed cleaning up on MY end too!

But my real test will occur this weekend.  I'll be working in in the evenings all week trying to have the app do what it's gonna do so I know what to do!

Now if I can only remember/recall and memorize all this like I used to!  THANKS for a GREAT app!  Best one out there for me & I tried a BUNCH!


I have the opportunity to purchase an Ipad 1 for a really good price.  Can I still install and older version of Set List Maker on it?


Quote from: Nighthammer on July 09, 2014, 06:03:58 AM
I have the opportunity to purchase an Ipad 1 for a really good price.  Can I still install and older version of Set List Maker on it?

Yes, but check the release notes -- any function that requires iOS 6 or 7 will be noted there. The iPad 1 is limited to iOS 5, so some functions aren't available.


Hello arlo

I have a problem with setlist maker

At the shows / setlist are the titles to the left of the songs very large appendix.
How can I change this

and my second question if my ipad crash how i get back the songs?
