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video attachments

Started by Uwe, September 20, 2018, 05:16:30 AM

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attached videos to songs appear in documents.

I would like to have videos in their own section plus a separate field (or fields) to store links with a song.

Or did I miss something?



What do you mean by "store links within a song"? Links to what, and for what purpose?


Sorry, perhaps was the description a bit short.....

I like to provide links, mostly to YouTube videos for songs we play.
It would practical to store the links within the songs page.

Right now I copy the links to the annotation field, but thy are not active from there.
I'd like a field In my layout, where I can click the link stored with the Song.

Pretty complicated to explain..... but really nothing very special.


You can add links to the Notes field, or any custom field, then place those fields onto your layout and they will be clickable.


Hey arlo,
need to bring this topic back up again. Basically, the idea of adding the video link to the notes-field works fine for me.
I realize though that there are no line breaks when showing the notes field in a pdf-setlist.
Furthermore, when I have the setlist created through the app in my iPhone and/or iPad, the text is cut off and not showing completely.
Is there a chance of simply adding word breaks in the automatic pdf-creation?

Example screenshot attached.

Regards, Chris


Multiple lines of notes should be condensed to one line, separated by semicolons, when sharing a set list. If you don't see the semicolon, please try deleting the line break on the edit page and typing it again.

If the Notes or any field is long enough, it will be cut off on the PDF output because that is limited to one line of text per song. I'm guessing you don't need video URLs in a printed set list. In that case, you can put your URLs and notes in separate fields and then only include the notes when sharing the set list.


Sounds like a plan. Is there a field you can propose for usage?

Thanks, Chris

edit: never mind... simply added a new custom-field named "Youtube-Link" which does the trick perfectly :)


Yep, I was thinking you would add a custom field.


Hey arlo,
need to come back to this topic. How much effort would it mean to allow html-tags in the custom-fields? I am thinking of the typical hyperlink-tag to show YOUTUBE-LINK or something similar instead of the full URL. This would allow to improve the visibility in a pdf-setlist.

Thanks, Chris


How would that help in a PDF set list? I think in most cases you wouldn't want to include the URL field at all. If you did want the URLs in the set list, replacing the URLs with a label would remove any benefit from including them -- at least for printed set lists. Are you imagining people opening your PDF set list on a computer and clicking the links from there?


That is the idea, yes.

We often work with Subs that do not use BandHelper but need a link to the according YouTube-Video for them to check..
I would include the according link when sending them the setlist so they can directly click it when preparing


Okay, I can put that on my wish list. Are the links already clickable now, or would that be another function I would have to add?


Hi arlo,
indeed they are clickable already.
So it would just be to add this html-functionality.
Thanks for adding it to your list.

Regards, Chris


+1:  Just wanted to say that I also think that making it possible to incorporate HTML-clickable links would be a useful feature.  Thanks!


Please cast my vote on this one as well! I add actual files whenever possible, but sometimes all I do is provide my team with a link to the song's video on YouTube.  8)